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Prof.Rachana.S.Akki International Conference Publications

List of International Conference Publications:

  1. V M Ravi, R. S. Akki,  S Sugumar, KC Venkata, K Arunachalam , "Design and evaluation of medical microwave radiometer for measuring tissue temperature", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC).
  2. Rachana S Akki, Dr. Kavitha Arunachalam, “A study of factors influencing detectability of breast tumour in microwave radiometry,” IEEE, International Microwave and RF Conference, New Delhi, Dec 2013.
  3. Rachana S Akki, Dr. Kavitha Arunachalam, “Breast Tissue Phantoms to Assist Compression Study for Cancer Detection using Microwave Radiometry ,” IEEE, International Conference of the IEEE in Engineering and Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, August 26-30, 2014.
